All Kids Bike is on a mission to teach every child in America how to ride a bike in Kindergarten PE class.
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About Lakehurst Elementary

"Our school district consists of diverse families who federally meet the mid-to-high poverty income eligibility requirements. Our goal in our district is to provide opportunities for all students to engage in purposeful life long lessons and activities that would give them a chance to learn proper bicycle safety and hopefully inspire these students to make safe and healthy choices outside of school hours.  This program would help all of our students to develop further balance, strength and coordination skills, which will help them in many areas beyond just bike riding.  This would be an ideal program to give these students a chance to learn beyond the books in a meaningful way!" Instructional Leader, Katie M. 

Lakehurst Elementary School is seeking support for a complete Kindergarten PE Program, including a fleet of 25 Strider AKB-Specific bikes, helmets, pedal conversion kits, one Strider 20-inch bike for teacher instruction, 2 steel rolling storage racks, and curriculum.